Still in Eid mode - we would like to touch on the agenda or the common event held in Eid. There are so much things we can do during Eid, some event is heritable and some of them is new creation depending on the family desirable. What actually we would like to touch is about a heritable event called 'marhaban' or else known as 'baraan'. Marhaban is held in our neighbourhood respectively. It is some kind of event in purpose to tighten the relationships among neighbours. Marhaban trip is usually in the number of men from all over ages. However, undeniable that there is a marhaban trip amongst women. Marhaban trip will go house by house in the neighbourhood till at most midnight. Furthermore, marhaban could not finish in just one day at some neighbourhood, it may takes one to three days or may be by weeks. During Marhaban, dua, 'selawat' and a few others religious speaks are called loudly in each house attended. And before leaving, the trip is given a feast ingenuously from the host in order to appreciate the marhaban trip. This is such a fun and exciting event that truly beneficial to everyone in the neighbourhood. For those guys who never join this event, we think that you should try and feel the hilarity of Marhaban.=)
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